FISHER aesthetics
Gender Affirming Facial Surgery

Fisher Aesthetics is excited to announce that Dr. Fisher has been appointed to the clinical faculty of the
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
Dr. Fisher's aesthetic medicine practice will continue in UNC Hospitals' state-of-the-art clinical setting.
Dr. Fisher will no longer be able to provide in-home services to her patients.
Instead, please contact UNC at 919-537-3705 or elda.fisher@unc.edu to schedule your appointment.
Gender Affirming Surgery
Craniofacial recontouring procedures are an integral part of gender-affirming facial surgery. Dr. Fisher has treated hundreds of transgender patients, and is an expert in all types of forehead and orbital recontouring procedures, including treatment of Type 3 Forehead with anterior sinus wall setback. All craniofacial procedures are performed with pre-operative 3D planning and surgical guides. Dr. Fisher is one of the the leading US surgeons to perform mandibular angle ostectomy and width-reduction genioplasty using 3D guided surgery.

Compliments to skeletal recontouring procedures, soft-tissue surgery re-drapes the skin to better conform with feminine or masculine appearances. For feminization, these procedures often include hairline lowering, brow-lift, eye-lid surgery, cheek implants, and neck/face lift with fat transfer. For masculinization, these procedures include submental liposuction, mandibular angle implants, and injectable medicines to reshape the brows and forehead. Soft tissue surgery adds finishing touches to gender affirming facial surgery.

Some things just respond to testosterone differently. On the face and neck these are the nose and the Adam's Apple and the nose, making these structures larger in biologic males than in females. It's important to consider treatment of these structures when considering gender-affirming facial surgery. Dr. Fisher has treated hundreds of transgender patients, and can make you look like you feel, without appearing fake or over-done. Adam's Apple reduction and rhinoplasty are both outpatient ("day-op") surgical procedures that target these areas. It's the gender version of you, that you have been hoping for.